1. The Republicans are in control as we speak. They were voted in to handle situations like this on behalf of the whole country. They are really good at smoke and mirrors as we found out with a full month of joking around about the Covid-19 virus to the American People. The supporters of the conservatives also gravitated to making light of a serious situation. So even during a pandemic they are asses.
This is the mindset of the elected officials in charge of our decisions making.
2. Trump gets on national TV everyday to prop up his house of cards styled economics. He took a ball from Obama that was steadily growing and kept it for 3 years. Then the corona-virus made him drop it and it fell apart in 3 weeks because it was hollow and made up. It truthfully always has been. It was never anything Trump did to make it stand tall, he just made people that were gullible believe they were okay and their money was valuable and strong. Anyone can do this because it's self inflicted. You choose to believe the money is strong, so that's your mindset. We can do this with Biden or Bernie. So even during the pandemic, they are worried only about the financial markets. Forget the citizens and their middle class money that funds everything in the world through taxation.
3. Recently a Bill was proposed to help the American Citizens out. It was supposed to drop $1.5+ Trillion dollars into the economy. Giving relief to people that may be laid off during this time of need. Bills still need to be paid and people taken care of through healthcare. But in the USA we love shooting ourselves in the foot. It's our favorite thing. We make laws to stop us from enjoying the other things we made or support. It's weird. Well, in this case, we had this idea that every thought that the elected people might all be on the same page for once. But ALAS, not possible. Nancy Pelosi decided to vote against the bill, which brought massive focus on the democrats for being mean to the people.
Upon further review, we found out that she held short on sending it through because it wasn't relief for the people. It was another way to take the middle class tax money and give it to bailout banks and other assorted businesses. The Citizens were once again going to get railroaded, not mention all the side items the REPUBLICANS/Conservatives threw in as pork in the bill. Even during a pandemic, they still are trying to prop up their businesses, take the middle class money and tell everyone they need to fall in line.
So when you think you are being taken care of, you are not. You are the person that goes to work, even during a pandemic and pays taxes just so they don't go to benefit you or anyone you know?
Whats the value in that, I ask?!?
So to finish off....even during a pandemic you have rights and are still a citizen of the USA. If you don't like how this going during the COVIV-19 outbreak, then please vote in November. And be careful, because it would be just like a stereotypical republican/conservative to cancel the national vote and start to play pretend KING for a while. So watch your government...even during a pandemic.