So Mark grabbed Producer Bobby and Jonathan May to sit down and discuss these things. But Producer Bobby doesnt' see the issue with a person running around calling themselves a nationalist. Mark and Jon have a one on one with Bobby trying to decipher between nationalism and patriotism....see where this convo goes.
But also on the the heels of the nationalism situation, we had random pipe bomb's being mailed to Hillary Clinton, Robert Deniro and many others that ave spoken out against Trump. Plus a migrant caravan is slowly approaching the USA on foot and we have to decide what to do when they get here...should we let them in and start the naturalization process, or do we draw a line in the sand? We discuss this at length!
Finally, Dr. Susan Shumsky is a paranormal investigator and self described Ghost Buster. She joins Mark on this 2018 Halloween show to discuss ghosts and spirits. Why do ghost exists and why don't ghost just go to heaven and stick around here on earth. Dr. Susan touches on exorcisms and a few stories of things that she has had happen while out and about helping people with their ghost issues.
All this and much much more on this episode of The Q!