Mark has been fielding tons and tons of incorrect fake conservative outrage because of the SCOTUS nomination. But Mark is here to quell the fears and let everyone know....Kavanaugh is somewhat centrist like Garland and willing to vote liberal if necessary on some topics. This will do nothing to dissuade people from jumping down his throat, but Mark is attempting.
Also, Mark has been thinking of bringing a phrase back and wanted to get the opinions of his guests regarding that phrase. Find out what phrase and if he get's the go ahead or this is a no go. Plus 12 kids got trapped in a Thai mine a few weeks back and they got released. The guys discuss this heroic moment.
Finally, Mark takes some questions from the listeners about life and one specifically that brings the show to a grinding hault...When was the last time you called 911, and what was it for. Find out Jonathan's amazing answer to the question on this episode of the Q.