Mark then decides to explain how ABC and other major networks could capitolize heavily on the crop of well known internet based/youtube based talents and their fanbases. Mark was watching his daughter watch this guy that plays Minecraft to the tune of millions of fans and it got him thinking about all the other people on online that have huge fanbases and could benefit from and to major media conglomerates and their current power fanbases that exist.
Finally, Mark and Bobby come across a new social media app called PEEPLE which touts itself as the "YELP for everyday people" . People would join the network and be able to rate people on their personal opinion of the people, just like you do on yelp for a restaurant. Mark and Bobby delve into the dark underbelly of what this could mean and how it could go horribly wrong. Plus they discuss what things the company who created is already doing to combat some of those consequesnces.
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