First up, Evan discusses his early days learning to be a pro-wrestler and wrestling in trailer parks and inclimate weather to perfect his abilities. Evan jumps through tons of stories about his early days and some of his influences in the business. Next Mark opens up a can of worms and starts to get into talking about Deadpool and other comic book movies that he's seen. This leads to further discussion about comic superheroes and who Mark "thinks" is the toughest and best....of course Evan is there to correct him!
Next up the pair talk about the New Hampshire Primaries and how well Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump did in their stumping. Evan talks about some of his political beliefs and other assorted feelings with regards to that realm of life.
Finally there is overtime and things get deep, personal and the two touch on the MEDIOCRE seat (instead of Hot Seat!)....all this and much more on this episode of the Q.
(right click and save as for download)