Then the guys switch gears and start discussing the importance of ICP to the music industry. Mark goes into detail about his past dealings with Psychopathic Records and Matt loses himself discussing his favorite songs by the group. Plus everyone jumps on to talk about the "gang" aspect that plagues the fanbase called Juggalos and whether it is justified or not.
Its also Roller Coaster Race time again and Mark describes to Matt what the Race is all about and how Mark and Dan Walsh looked like a gay couple at last years event.
Finally Mark and Bobby really get deep on discussing the situation out of South Carolina where a police officer shot and killed a man running away from him on Video. The world is outraged and so is Mark and Bobby. But Mark discusses the context of how this should be view and how that context led to a heated discussion with a well known underground rapper on Twitter. Just because you're offended doesn't mean you're right.
All this and much more.
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