First up, Mark put in a call and got former St. Louis City Police Chief DAN ISOM to join the guys on the show and discuss what it is like to stand at the podium and handle a situation of this magnitude. Dan and the cast discuss the case of Michael Borwn, where it leads and what the potential outcomes are. Also they dive into the underlying problems with the lack of information coming out and how the public is viewing the Police departments at this time and whether that viewpoint is a correct way to view them. Plus the guys talk about race relations and the area of town where this is going on. A very in depth discussion on the show and worth every minute.
Finally....Tyler Crandall came on the show to discuss his new found success with the popularity of his "North County Song". Tyler joins the team to talk about his upbringing in North County (the county where Ferguson in located during this situation), what he likes and doesn't and to play the song live accoustically. And he finds a way to make peace with Producer Bobby who is not happy and tell everyone a story that is painful to hear.
All this and much more on the Q....Real Radio, REAL HONEST! And don't forget overtime after the credits roll for some more fun.
*There is choppy audio in the first 20 minute segment. It is annoying but not impossible to listen to.
(right click and SAVE AS to D/L)

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