There are so many ways to say so many things. Jonathan May joins Mark on this amazing journey we call the Q.
First up Mark decides that he needs to explain what being a liberal raised in the Midwest is truly like. Most people think being liberal is a national stance and all Liberals tend to fall from the same tree. But this is not true. Liberals in the Midwest are way more centrist than east/west coast liberals because the Midwest is so conservative, the liberals are raised with a conservative understanding and edge given to them from their parents. Mark and Jonathan discuss.
This leads to question about Police and Jonathan's person views as an ex military police officer. Jonathan has seen both sides of the coin and the question is "Where is your current stance on police." The guys discuss.
Then we get into the goods. Jonathan and Mark both have been asking questions of black and white culture on and offline. The response has been good and Mark has some questions for Jonathan and vice versa. Mark asks a question about the style of hair that people in black culture have. This leads to a convo about words you can and can't say to people in general. Also the pronunciation of words can alter the vibe of the word. The guys discuss these words too.
Finally a letter from a listener that thinks Prisoners are not being used to their potential like they should be. Mark and Jonathan discuss if the listeners stance is the proper stance or not to have.
All this and much much more on this episode of the Q.