Next things get out of hand when Mark decides to start talking about how inviting the corner sink in an airplane restroom looks to tall people like himself. Producer Bobby can't handle it and Lucy is just taken aback by the conversation. This leads to an interesting discussion of weirdest time or place each member used the restroom and bobby has a story about his past sexual exploitations. Then.....EVERYTHING GOES TO HELL.... Mark has to wrangle the team in and teach them live on air why they can't just go off and cuss. And man does it get out of control. Mark starts talking about the GAMERGATE situation that has been trending underground and on Social for about a week and whether it is important at all.
Finally, sans OVERTIME, Producer Bobby has a new game regarding string Orchestra music and Lucy opts out to make it a One on One between Mark and Walsh. Will Mark make it or will Walsh be the supreme victor...listen to find out.
(right click and Save AS to D/L)

episode_190_-_a_rough_one.mp3 |