First up, Mark needs to discuss some issues he is having at MMWA wrestling regarding his position as the Asst. Commissioner and some stuff a group named the Brotherhood has been doing since he started. Mark feels wronged because he saw his bosses unhappy about the results of title matches and it was always the brotherhood ganging up on people. Now Mark is in athe middle of a funk because hie attempt to even the score and make owner Anthony Castaldi happy backfired a bit...and because of the Commissioner over the top of Mark...Shaft. The guys discuss.
It took 40000 (15....lol) votes for Kevin McCarthy to become the speaker of the house. But after caving to the complainers that are the Trump holdouts and people against Trumps influence in the Republican party, McCarthy can finally try and start to do a bunch of worthless investigations into "liberal/democratic" things. Most importantlythe FBI and who they are looking at and what they know about the republicans with regards to Jan 6th and the illegal things they asked for pardons on. It's not looking good for republicans.
And in the end, Mark and Jason decide to do a Tournament of Pop Culture focused on one hit wonders, but there are so many they can do a 5 part episode breaking them all down to find the best #1 One Hit Wonder of all time. So Round one starts on this show today! All this and much more on this episode of The Q!