But the train don't stop there. Producer Bobby, Dan Walsh and Mark then announce the formation of TEAM Q for the upcoming Rollercoaster 5k being put on by Six Flags the first weekend in May. People can either run the 5k for prizes or RIDE the 5k equivalent in rollercoastering....OR BOTH. The Q is giving away spots to be on Team Q at the contest section of the website. If you love running and are interested, then visit and sign up!
Mark clears up some hard feelings regarding his opinion on an elementary school situation that happened in the St. Louis area. The guys then discuss Bobby's stories regarding a High School senior that wanted her baby to be involved in a high school yearbook photo, but the school removed it claiming it sends the wrong message. Also, with the Fort Hood massacre is fresh in peoples minds, a discussion on the base issues and what can be done ensues.
Finally its time for the NEXT Tournament of Pop Culture on the show. This time around, the guys tackle music and specifically 1990's music artists. It's such a huge category and so many need to be represented that they have divided this into 4 parts. Part one is on the show today and unfortunately this one is going to create some controversy. Who do you feel is the BEST ARTIST or GROUP overall from the 1990's music scene. Its all decided in Part 1 today!
Don't miss OVERTIME, specifically for the download only....it starts after the credits roll.
(right click and "save as" to d/l)

episode_164_-_dangle_them_arms.mp3 |