Everything starts off decently until the topic of FERGUSON is brought up. Mark, Dan, Kenny and Producer Bobby discuss in vibrant description the story of a teacher fired for tweeting some racially charged comments during her free time. Also they touch on a side to Kenny that many probably don't get to see when he gives his personal deep feelings regarding racial tensions and the thoughts on Ferguson as a black man that tries to make people laugh all the time (trust me those things are in direct contrast to each other).
Next, Kenny Kinds is thrown into the Q Hot Seat to answer his 5 questions that are randomly chosen when the guest gets to the studio. Kenny enjoys the process so much he starts creating his own trademark "hotseat" chime and producer Bobby is only too excited to oblige and put the sound effect in the countdown.
Finally, Dan Walsh and Kenny Kinds flex their trivia muscles in a showdown. Evidently, Kenny Kinds is some sort of minutia champion because he starts to answer questions before we even finish asking him. Does he get them right or wrong? Well sit back and find out. And don't forget you can call into and leave a message on our phone line 347-974-0958...if it is something we like, we will play it on the air for everyone to hear.
(right click and Save As to D/L)

episode_194_-_hotseat_kenny.mp3 |