Then Mark decides, with Justin Deming's urging, to rant about whats on his mind. Well the RFT 2013 Best AM radio personality award is on his mind and he doesn't understand how he got shafted. He congratulates Frank O. Pinion on wining the award (cause he is honestly a big fan), but lets the STL newspaper know just how wrong they were.
Finally former NWA World Champion, Scrap Iron Adam Pearce joins the guys on the show to discuss his new DVD "7 Levels of Hate"! The Documentary chronicles the 7 match series across the USA between Adam and Colt Cabana in the world of independent wrestling. The back story to how the events were set up, some of the executives that were involved and all the politics that go in to creating professional wrestling. It is a great documentary and Mark/Justin discuss the documentary and some of the less talked about things behind the scenes of Adam Pearces career, including the day he sent the NWA belt back to the executives.
This is the Q! Real Radio, Real Honest!
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