Mark wasn't paying attention to the winners...nope. He was paying attention to something else much more important that will have impact on the main election in November. You must listen to find out what was so glaring and potentially problematic for one of the political parties involved.
Then a video hit the social media and media of STL that has taken the Black Live Matter movement off their feet a bit. Protestors took to the streets in the racial hot bed of St. Louis, MO because of a claim that a police officer held a gun on a child. Of course this lead to people up in arms because of racial inequality and police mistreatment of citizens....BUT....that wasn't the case at all. Police camera footage shows that it didn't happen at all and was a made up attempt to stir the pot in STL. It worked, but backfired and Mark and Justin discuss their views on how this affects the movement in general.
This leads to a discussion where Mark once again defends the fact that Stereotypes come in all shapes and sizes...and they aren't always negative and can be very influential in specific situations. This comes on the heels of a Triumph the Insult dog video circulating the interwebz with students who need "safe spaces" in New Hampshire.
So much to hear and so little time!
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