First up is Dr. Adi Jaffe of Alternatives Addiction Center in Los Angeles, CA. Adi Jaffe, Ph.D. is a Los Angeles addiction psychologist and researcher. Himself a former drug addict and convicted drug dealer, Dr. Jaffe is an expert on substance abuse, especially on the neuroscience and policy issues involved. Today, he is a UCLA-affiliated researcher on addictions, founder of AllAboutAddiction.com and a columnist for Psychology Today. He joins to discuss the beginnings of addiction and what to look for.
Then Legendary morning radio host DC Chymes joins the show, along with Dr. Stegeman (practicing St. Charles medical doctor) to discuss Suboxone, a drug used to treat addiction for narcotics abuse. DC explains his personal struggles with OTC drug addiction during the height of his success and Dr. Stegeman casts some light on the prescribing of Suboxone and other drugs used to treat the worse parts of withdrawl.
Finally, Dan Walsh and gentleman named Rick and his significant other named Lisa join the show to talk about their sordid pasts dealing with Cocaine and Alcohol addiction. This is one of the best hours of radio we have ever put together. Listen as Rick describes his recent relapses and fighting with the demons. Then Dan goes into describing his longterm alcohol addiction and how being a reality TV star played into that for him.
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