ENOUGH IS ENOUGH....another shooting in Nashville and this times more elementary school children are dead. Republicans and Liberals alike are looking for answers and wanting to blame people they can get to, and not people that are guilty of anything.
Matt Krueger and Jason Kull join Mark Bland as they discuss and break down this idea of school shootings and what can be done at this point to stop things. It seems to everyone like they have tried the "no new laws, don't make gun people unhappy about the constitution" thing and here we are again with more dead babies and families torn apart by the inconsiderate attitudes of those unwilling to look at other countries that have made the step, well before today. The guys talk about everything with regard to the Nashville shooting. But how far is too far?
This week the gents try a new game called the Ranker Review Game. They go to ranker page and based off the current standings, figure out if people/place/things and pop culture are on the edge of being 100% correct or if their margins and rankings are not on the same page. This first episode of the Ranker game focuses on the The Coolest Movie Star in Acting currently in 2023! Who stands out overall as the coolest actor/actress in the business of making movies! Where does the Rock rank? Is Brad Pitt on the list or not? All this and more will be discussed on this first show playing the game!
Finally Elon Musk is slowly bringing all of his businesses down and many have lost value over the last year. Twitter started at $44 Billion and now Musk himself valuates it at $20 Billion and people feel that is too high. He has a ton on his plate, and companies that have typically done well in his portfolio (Tesla) are also feeling the pain. SO what gvies...well the guys discuss. And also there is some bullying issues at the middle and high school levels in America and the guys try to figure out what is the determining factor for how these things are handled.