Mike and Nappier from WFOD start off explaining that they love being in the presence of "THE" Mark Bland (making sure that he adds the "THE") but before long Mark tackles a piece of ranting that he has fondness for...Podcasting vs. Broadcasting . But the conversation takes a weird turn when Mark starts to rant on a food choice that a co-host of WFOD has made when going to Jack in the Box.
From there the men tackle another couple news stories including the severe beating a 13 yr old took at the hands of some kids in Florida and the bus driver just sat there. Also there is a update in the Meremec River Shooting case and the dunking canoers might not have been so docile as they let on they were in the original stories. Ramping up the arguement for self defense and property rights that much more.
Then it is on to the next Tournament of Pop Culture! This time around on the 16-team elimination tournament, the BEST SUSUPENSE MOVIE of ALL TIME is tackled. Who made the list and who got cut? And will one of the contestants chime in for a unprecidented 3rd TOPC win over the past 3 years. Its never been done and this is definitely a powerhouse of a suspense movie. Find out if your favorite made the cut!
Taking talk radio and turning it up to 11! Its THE Q!
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