After being a guest on Bob's show, Mark had such a good time that he invited Bob Wahl to come on the Q and discuss politics and pop culture and real estate. Mark brings up some issues he had in the past with a real estate transaction and brings those problems to Bob's feet. Why should the seller pay the closing cost for a buyer on a house...find out what Bob says about this and a few other topics regarding real estate.
Hope Hicks is the 18th person to resign from Trump's presidency. Imagine if 18 employees from the past year all resigned under you as a person that was elected to run the country. He picked you specifically cause he wanted you to fix or help the situations in the country and EVEN YOU can't handle being a member of his administration anymore. That's pretty sucky and deep...so we discuss.
Finally Bob sits in the Hot seat and we discuss a myriad of issues and questions that will get you thinking and wishing there was more Q show.