First up news comes whipping in that it seems some senators and representatives from the State of Missouri House decided to submit articles to incorporate Mutal Combat/Dueling as a way to solve issues at the state level. Mark, being a Prowrestler, and Jason being, not republican, know that this is not a good way to handle these things but are all about it if that's what republicans want to solve their issues.
Second, the world is being ripped apart in Texas at the border and the governor of the state is threatening the Federal government that it will not remove razor wire from the Rio Grande. We discuss all the aspects of this and if it will lead to war or fighting.
Next up Is the tournament of pop culture. This weeks bracket from the Cops, Robbers, Assassins and Spies TOPC is the Robbers section! Movies where robbery is the focus, but what movie stands to win...well tune in and find out!
Finally, a ton of time has passed since 100 years ago. There were predictions that people made in 1924 about what life in 2024 would be like. Well we have a list of them on this episode and we are gonna break them down and find out how close to true some of those predictions were. Flying Cars maybe? How bout Jetson styled auto meals cooked to perfection and immediate....well we all know the truth about that. But find out what blew our teams mind when it came to the predictions.