First the guys.....well lets just say.... things quickly fall to bad as Mark and Travis start discussing his cheating attempts with Dynamo Pro to win the tag team titles. This eventually devolves into a yelling fit between Mark and Travis regarding his political positioning and his hatred for President Obama.
After a cool down period...Mark, producer Bobby, Dan Walsh and Travis get back into the swing of the show. The Olympics are going on and Mark wants to know if the winter or summer olympics is everyone's forte. This leads to some talk about what sports can be killed off from the events.
Next the topic of federal rights verse states right comes up regarding guns and an attempt at a law in Missouri to override federal laws regulating them. This starts off a discussion of whether states rights or federal rights came first and a little history lesson from Dan Walsh....booyah!
From there it is a hodge podge of conspiracy discussion (as it always is every time a conservative is allowed to talk) and current event stories to talk about amongst equals. Also a great round of GAME ON/GAME OFF with Travis Cook actually supplying one of the more interesting Game Off's we have ever had!
Finally a little Overtime where we have the best advice story we have ever read on air and the newest Tournament of Pop Culture: Best Will Ferrell Performance. A must listen to overtime if you are a fan of Will Ferrell.
(right click and "save as" to D/L)

episode_157_-_without_regard.mp3 |