Mark starts by checking into the music background of Patrick and early growing up in St. Louis County. This leads to a interesting discussion of the best shows the guys ever seen at clubs in St. Louis or even at all.
Mark then changes the focus to music and culture. Ferguson shows up in the convo and Patrick discusses how his day went the day the Michael Brown incident happened. Which leads to stories from Jonathan and Mark. This tuns to talk of the Beach Boys and how black culture views white crossover artists and which ones have been taken in by black culture.
Then the talk switches to the Golden Globes and specifically Mark wants to discuss if Tom Hanks playing Mr. Rogers is a SUPPORTING ROLE. He's nominated for Supporting Actor in a movie and not as the Lead Actor. This brings up some great movies and which ones you should watch for or see.
Finally, Mark turns the topic to impeachment and Trump and where he is at at this current point. Jonathan May comes up with a genius way to explain Trump to people that might not get how the man operates. But sadly, that is the end of our show...due to technical difficulties, the last 20 minutes of the show did not record and therefore must bid you adieu at that point. But we will work the kink out and be back to fresh next week!