This is an interesting mix because Mark immediately takes ire with something that Andy and another social friend posted regarding POTUS and misinformation. Andy being the Former military guy has an issue with Barack Obama not properly saluting marines as he disembarks from Marine 1. Mark and Justin then dig deeper and the discussion goes past the video and into how good of a job POTUS has been doing the past 7 years. Ofcourse everyone has a say and no one is backing down which makes this a intense half hour you don't want to miss.
Then the guys get back on format and talk about a school that refused an inhaler to a choking student simply cause they didn't know it had been prescribed and the school has a protocol to adhere to. Then its on to Edward Snowden whose in the news again cause he joined twitter and immediately started right back up influencing people via his new page. This pisses Mark off cause he believes that Snowden doesn't deserve popularity for what he did.
All this and Overtime where we discuss Retro Gaming! If you like video games and talking about old NES, the the Overtime is what you want to listen to.
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