First up is the discussion of what has been going on with Joey. Joey has gotten involved in selling vapor and e-cigs. This leads to a great discussion about the business of Vapor and its recent popularity in the past couple years. They also discuss the inherent risks that has been talked about regarding health and what is and isnt known.
Then Mark and Bobby go toe to toe once again on religion. Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty once again put his foot in his mouth regarding atheism and how those people that follow atheism need to have their heads cut off and raped. Horrible as it is, Mark lays into Phil and this leads to a discussion about the bible and when things were written in context to what people believe. Very interesting discussion.
FInally the guys talk about some letters from the listeners and specifically about one from a father that is unhappy with how sports in general is looked at as a way to build character in children. Bobby thinks the father is way off in his assessment and decides to call out the pussification of Merica, while Mark plays devils advocate and tries to get to the real reason that Bobby is unhappy.