Also, with two special guests you know that Mark is gonna talk some politics and without fail him and Matt start into each other. Mark discusses the in ability of certain members of society to handle themselves in the new world of social media since they keep taking things and putting them on the internet. Case in point is this weeks "round table rant" as the men discuss the waitress in NY/NJ that lied about a couple not tipping her and leaving a note. How much more often is this happening and what should be our stance as a society is discussed. Plus the USA is not the most powerful nation anymore and Mark tries explaining to Matt how we should not try and force our will upon on other nations that don't respect or care about us anyway.
Finally there is a few more stories, Letters from the Listeners and GAME ON/GAME OFF (a new section of the show that is catching a lot of ears). So tune in and enjoy all the fun plus some extra OVERTIME after the main show where MATT and TONY play Dr. Love's (2 for the price of 1).
DOWNLOAD/LISTEN here: (right click and "save as" for D/L) ![]()
| OVERTIME is now with the main show On the MAIN Download. Just Download the episode and it starts right after the main show finishes! |