First up the guys discuss Robert Kraft and his need to get hot prostitutes to so sexual things for him. Mark ask's if guys like Kraft are too Famous and well known, to the point that their fame overshadows their misdeeds. This leads to the craziest thing Mark has ever heard come out of Jonathan's mouth, "Olympus has Fallen is a great film". Mark argues that nothing about it is good and Maddy plays referee to the situation. Mark even feels so horribly about the movie that he confuses it with another movie claiming the sequel had different people...he was wrong it did not.
Then the show everyone is talking about is Game of Thrones. Mark and May decide to discuss the first episode of the new season with the blessing of Maddy. SPOILERS FOR THE SHOW are in this episode so I would recommend skipping 5-7 minutes of you don't want it ruined for you.
Finally, Mark brings up a discussion with Jonathan and Jon about a conversation discussing why other cultures than Black culture are not allowed to say the N-word. Mark argues that it's kept alive by Black culture using it so frequently in slang and if they stopped the word would probably be viewed much more negatively as whole. Jonathan argues the right to say it because history dictates the culture taking the word back and not allowing others to use it. the convo gets deep and intense...take a listen and see where they finally come to a conclusion.