Also, its 2014 and Coloradians have the ability to purchase marijuana legally without any repercussions. Andy takes exception with this when he brings up the legal ramifications regarding the national law that still has it as illegal. Mark, Bobby and Andy discuss the the two sides to this and why it will or won't work.
Also also Marks first rant of the year has to do with social media and how people tend to choose their ways of unfriending or even blocking people online. This comes on the heels of a story where a old good friend of Marks, that he never talks too anymore, decided without explanation to unfriend him on facebook and block him.
Plus....Overtime, GAME OFF/GAME ON and much more! Real Radio, Real Honest....its the Q!
(right click and "save as" to D/L)

episode_151_-_becoming_unfriended.mp3 |