On this weeks rants, Mark is taking it personal that the Hobby Lobby situation went down the way it did because it seems pretty obivous that the fix was in. Do you believe it was a good situation or not, listen and find out where you stand when its over. Plus Dan Walsh decides to speak to our growing asian audience with his "chinglish" and its becoming quite the strongest marketing to this new area that we have ever done.
Producer Bobby brings in a list of RADARONLINES the most controversial music videos of ALL TIME. The team breaks down the nuiansances of the artists and the videos. So who do you think made the list: Madonna, Nelly, R. Kelly or maybe even Michael Jackson? Sit back and enjoy as the guys and lady discuss this very interesting list. Are you with Bjork or against her might be the question of the year.
Finally there is letters from the listeners. Mark asks Lucy and the team what urban legend scares them the most. Some very interesting answers come out. And then there is OVERTIME after the main show. Dan expands on his urban legend answer, a few letters from the listeners and everyone chimes in on the Katy Perry/JOyful Noise lawsuit....we play the two songs back to back and you tell us if there is justifiable cause for a lawsuit.
(rigth click and "save as" for D/L)

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