Also the 2023 Grammy's happened and Mark was not thrilled with the layout of the show. Not the show itself but the layout for sure. Mark and Jason welcome Canadian Music Critic Mitch Lafon to the show. Mitch jumps in with over 30 years of music background to discuss the Sam Smith situation, Beyonce breaking records, the 50th Anniv. Hip hop performance and everything! Plus being a critic usually runs down more than one path and TV/Film is also on the table as Mitch tells us the show he wants everyone to pick up and watch!
Finally it is the final round of the Tournament of Pop culture: One hit Wonders! We have the last 16 songs vying for a spot in the championship. With strong showings over the past few weeks from disco and 80's mainstays, this week adds some 2000's one hit wonders as well as brings us one of Jason hopefuls! So has your song finally made it, did it get ignored...what would you have changed or put somewhere else? All this and much more gets discussed and broken down on this episode of the show!