Then its on to discussing the new list of HORRIBLE STATES to live in. Mark has been very up front over the years that he believes St. Louis (the home base of the show) is not a very quality place reagrdless of the things that locals try and say to pump it up....well does the list justfy his beliefs?
Then it is on to dicuss the Susan G. Komen organization and a few others that have some nefarious background to their running. Mark was in a discussion with another friend in media when it was brought to his attention that the charity takes in a certain amount of "donations" per year that go to suing other charities as opposed to being use to fund cancer research (as is their claim). Producer Bobby, Dan Walsh, Mark and DJ discuss the impact this has and what the legal thoughts and policies are on this.
Next its time to talk OSCARS! They are upon us and there are a ton of great movies up for the big one. They break down the categories and pick some winners. And finally it is time for another edition of GAME ON/GAME OFF. With that happening, DAN WALSH is not having it this week. He is extremely unhappy about a section of people that exist in the world and evidently Dan runs in to these people quite often. Plus there is a an OVERTIME where the discussion continues based off emails from last weeks Game On/Game off of Bobby bringing up assisted suicide of terminal children in Belgium. Where do the guys stand on this topic? Check out OVERTIME to find out.
(right click and "save as" to D/L)

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