The conversation turns to religion when Producer Bobby hits our guest Julian up about being a Mormon. This is leads to a conversation about a section of their religion that has to do with special undergarments. Julian teaches all of about the world of being a Mormon.
Next, a group of protestors and activist in Ferguson decided to put out a list of "RULES OF ENGAGEMENT" for how the police should handle the protestors once the Mike Brown verdict comes down. Dan, being a former soldier has worked under the guise of Rules of Engagement during the Iraq war, and it is dicussed that usually those are rules of war (negative mostly). Mark discusses that talking objectively about Ferguson and the goings on there do not make a person racist. Also the setup of the protestors leading up to a indictment charge seems to be off.
All this and much more, plus OVERTIME on this special epsiode of The Q! Real Radio...REAL HONEST!
(right click and "save as" for D/L)

episode_193_-_college_crap.mp3 |