Mark, Dan and Producer Bobby discuss this situation in full breaking down the reasoning and potential future outcome of where this historic moment in US government will fall out. Even Dan, who usually is the biggest detractor of Obama, falls in agreement that this was not a good idea from the elected officials of our great nation. Listen in to find out what he believes should be done and how he thinks it will go.
But before all that jazz, Josh Ruebner from the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation joins the show to discuss the history and current stance of the Israeli/Palenstinian conflict. Mark explains that he brought Josh on specifically for the fact that many people get on social media and have heated discussions regarding which side of the conflict to stand on, without being properly introduced and informed to the history of it. The Q aims to fix that and get as much honest historical information out there so you are better set to make a good decision on who you side with, if you side with anyone at all.
Mark gets another piece of hate mail and reads it live on the air. And then for the public service announcement of the show, Mark and the guys rant on the new need for people on the internet to do these things called "Fire Challenges" and "Jackass" style stunts. They discuss why its a bad idea and how it can be more dangerous than people are thinking about.
Finally there is some Overtime and some letters from the listeners to entertain us all....It's the Q.....Real Radio, Real Honest!
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