This leads to Mark and Rai Rai having a very brazen and direct discussion about the MTV Video awards and the horrible performance and song decision by Beyonce on her lifetime achievment award. Rai Rai becomes the ultimate defender of Beyonce and things definitely get heated in the Studios of 1380 in STL. Rai Rai goes on the offensive and decides to challenge Mark's music taste.
Then for the 3rd week in a row, the town of Ferguson, MO rears its ugly head on the show as Mark, Bobby, Lucy and Rai Rai discuss Rai's involvement down in the riot area during the hottest moments of the sitaution. It's alright though, they don't beat the horse to death and just talk about race issues. Mark goes on a rant about "citizen journalist" and people claiming to be "indie journalist" when they aren't.
Finally, the show calms down a bit but they do letters from the listeners and Mark reads another awesome hate mail sent to him because of show 182. All this and much more on the Q!
(right click and SAVE AS for D/L)

episode_183_-_irreplaceable.mp3 |