As this show was ramping up, the House decided to vote and Impeach the 45th president of the USA. This has been talked about for weeks and weeks. Debated for weeks and months. It's a very serious and sensitive subject, but also a huge change to the way the President is viewed worldwide and by other foreign leaders. Mark is joined to discuss all of this by Brandon Travis (our verified high flyer and resident thrill seeker) and Owner of Take A Hike Bike Shop, Joe Russell.
First up, Mark and the guys discuss being thrill seekers and how they connect and become acquainted with each other. This leads directly into impeachment talk. Joe and Brandon not being deeply ingrained in national politics discuss why Trump is in the position he is in. Mark illuminates other aspects and the gentlemen discuss their opinions about Trump and this impeachment that is ACTUALLY happening. Including the way the debates went defending Trump with crazy Pontius Pilot talk and other things.
This leads to discussion of False Flag operations and some conspiracy theories that Brandon wants to discuss. Mark points out to the men that being conspiratorial is technically anti-american in it's normal stance. Mark must defend his remarks but it all comes back to Trump not even having his cabinet full three years into his presidency.
Finally, and on the last one of this decade, Joe Russell of Take a Hike Bike shop jumps on the HOTSEAT to discuss all the questions Mark and Brandon pose to him. This leads down a road discussing the past decade and the favorite moment in the past 10 years for Joe and Brandon. This open another pandora's box and the guys talk about life and the strange places it takes you when viewing such huge chunks of your past.
From everyone at the Q...Joe Russell and Brandon Travis...and to all of you and your families...Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We are gonna finish off the decade in Style and bring in the New Roaring 20's. Thank you 2010's for being amazing to The Q and all the friends/fans we made in the past decade. We look forward to doing it great for another decade too!