So theres a guy named Martin Shkreli and he owns a company named Turing Pharmaceuticals. They have a drug called Daraprim used for HIV and he proudly announced this week that he raised the price from $13 a pill to $750 a pill like it was a great thing to do! Well this pill has a serious group of users that have HIV and the world went into a tizzy cause Martin is proving why being a conservative greedy CEO of company is not cool. Mark and Bobby discuss this.
Then Mark and Producer Bobby go down a unique path as Mark talks about how we are just not happy with the Status quo anymore, yet we don't come up with anything more ingenius than the status quo. They discuss how Lays potato chips are constantly trying to change the game with new weird flavors and there is nothing wrong with normal old Sour cream and Onion, Cheddar, BBQ and regular potato chips. Where do you stand? Do you like the 900 varieties or were you fine and life worked well with the orignal 5-7 that already existed. See where this goes on this episode of the Q.
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