Also on this episode, The gents discuss that there is 20 more hours of Tyre Nichols video footage that a judge is unwilling to release. Based off the original release and videos, this stuff couldn't be any better and might even have some audio illuminating the reasoning to why Tyre was beaten like this in Memphis. The gentlemen discuss.
And Finally, Donald Trump and Elon Musk are having one hell of a 2023 so far. Trump is doubling down on the FOX NEWS/Tucker Carlson January 6th video footage and claiming it is proof of a setup. Yet he was the president at the time and could have compiled all the footage from the sources and watched it back when this all went down. Hell, even up until now he could have had vested interest, but he didn't and is fannig the flames of discourse like the troll he is. Speaking of Trolls, Elon decided to ignore HIPAA and out the medical background of an employee he may or may not have fired. Either way, trying to play pretend tough guy on the internet backfired and now he might be setup for some massive lawsuits. All this and more on the new QNow!