Also, a former guest and friend of the show named KOBA also phones in announced to Mark (a Producer Bobby Special) to discuss his new book available on Amazon called "1000 Facts about Sex and Love". KJ (his author name) breaks down what led to writing this book and some of his more favorite facts in the book. This leads to Bobby and Tone going out of their way to find other hilarious sex facts that they discuss.
Finally Mark is the biggest defender of Ted Nugent, even though they politcally differ. After interviewing him a few years back, Mark became a fan of his no holds barred opinions and verbal tirades. But eveidently, Uncle Ted has stepped over the line when he decided to attack mentally handicapped people and their troubles. While promoting his upcoming appearance on the new Sarah Palin Show Uncle Ted let go with some not so nice things and this grabs the ire Mark and the crew. Definitely a hot button issue.
Plus the guys do a little OVERTIME leading to Tone talking about his relationship and how he met his girlfriend. Real Radio, Real Honest....It's the Q!
Read more at http://theqnow.libsyn.com/the-q-ep-202-hebdont#JZLeJRgqbwTFXVv9.99