So this week on the Q, after a little break, Jason Kull and Gary Weed jump in to discuss everything with Cohen and what he claimed on the stand. According to Cohen, Trump does very little LEGAL things. Cohen claims he was a virtual enforcer for the President of the USA. He was tapped to send threats to businesses and colleges. He has paid off multiple people for sex and other nefarious activities...BUT...according to Cohen, Trump doesn't have ties to russian collusion as the Mueller report is investigating. Which is a feather in the cap of Donald Trump. But that doesn't change the fact that his former lawyer, under oath and serving prison time, decided to throw him completely under the bus. There is no way Trump pardons Cohen at this point. So you know it was all true.
Mark Asks the guys to put together their list of the Top 3 movies that are RE-WATCHABLE. Movies in the same vein as Back to the Future or Shawshank Redemption. Jason and Gary do not disappoint Mark and sit back to hear about some movies that are worth watching over and over again...for a reason.
Finally, Mark sits down with St. Louis commentator and author, John Parker. John talks with Mark a little about Cohen and Trump...but that takes a turn down the road of our great nation and the current cultural and national divide. Why are we divided as people? Also, on the back of his book "Cold Day in August", Parker discusses with Mark the Ferguson situation and it's impact in hindsight. What progress was made? And....Our country is a melting pot and there is a distinct group of people that tend to keep that fire stoked. The two men discuss John's upcoming book and how we should view the country in it's current political and socio-economic stance. Should those fires stay stoked or do we need a reset and a better understanding of each other.
All this and much more on the Q!