But....(record scratch)...That's not what happens!
Mark Bland met Jason Patton in the late 1990's and they have maintained a relationship ever since. Jason started training at the legendary South Broadway athletic club in 1999 and that's when him and Mark struck up the friendship....BUT HOLD THE PHONE....Jason explains this on the back of a 6 year stint in PRISON! WHAT???
Mark gets it revealed to him for the first time live on this show that his friend Jason not only robbed a bank and went to prison for 6 years, but he was put into the Federal Penitentiary at Leavenworth...the oldest in the country. And one of the most notorious in the country to this day. When you think of Shawshank, you are thinking of Leavenworth.
Jason proceeds to explain his gang background and what it is like sitting and waiting in a Federal Pen. What to watch out for and who to watch out for. If you were wanting a background in the prison system of the US, this episode of the Q opens up a world little seen by many.
The guys discuss the difference between state and federal level prisons and Jason talks about the most evil human being he's ever encountered in his entire life. A riveting discussion that surely will open your eyes. Jason opens up about his past and all of it in the hopes that someone listening will change their ways and not want to be in the same spot he was in.
All this on the new episode of The Q!