Right off the bat, Mark sits down with Videogame professional and legend TriForce Johnson to discuss his career in gaming. Mark caught wind of TriForce from a well known documentary called the King of Chinatown which tackles TriForce and friend Justin as they ascend to the top of the Streetfighter tournament world. Triforce discusses his early days in the industry and his multiple Guiness World Records. Plus Mark goes for it all by really delving into why videogame players really don't have a crossover mainstream rockstar to put them on the map. They delve into stereotypes and discuss some of the games Triforce loves and hates.
Then Mark and Mr. Thomas break into discussion about the topic on everyones mind, mass shootings. Fresh off the San Bernadino shooting and all the mystery surrounding it, the two guys dsicuss the value of guns in America. Plus why violence runs so deep throughout our culture.
Finally Mark goes on a rant discussing bathroom ettiquette once more. Have you ever been using the restroom and someone oversteps the common understood unspoken rules of public restrooms? Well Mark went to see Michael McDonald at the Fox and encountered one such issue. It was definitely ILL COMMUNICATION!
PLUS OVERTIME after the credits!
(right click and "save as" to download)