First off, if you didn't notice the city of Baltimore is going nuts and rioting over the death of Freddie Grey, a young man that had his neck broke and spine fractured by police as he was being arrested. The Mayor of the city if saying things on tape and then turning around and stating it didn't happen...but it did. Plus you have people starting fires and mothers beating their kids butts on national TV trying to stop them from rioting. It is an amazing thing to watch and Mark & Bobby put their opinions out there about the entire fiasco and where they see it going from here.
Next it seems someone is always trying to kill off the status quo and car companies are no different. The Big Boys have decided to envoke DMCA rules cause your car has a computer and Bobby thinks this is ridiculous. Mark plays devils advocate (as only he can) and discusses if making it illegal to tinker/work on your car will fly in the long run.
Finally, Mark has a letter from a listen but not before he plays a game of Sex Statistics he found earlier on the interwebz. It gets deep and interesting as Bobby is grilled about the average times Women have had sex in their lives vs. Men...and many other questions. Play along as you listen and see where you sex knowledge lies.
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