Also on the show, an actress from the movie Django Unchained, Daniele Watts, was acosted by the police in outside a hollywood soundstage and once again the video went viral of the interaction with the police. But thats not the only one...a Fire Fighter from Oakland was also involved in a officer called situation that made the news and it was stated that it was "racially motivated". These two incidents have audio and video the team breaks down on the show to discuss whether the current rash of "against the police" feelings are justified. Are the police out of control or is it just a situation of fake outrage playing into the heads of people since the Ferguson situation.
Finally Producer Bobby and Mark bring up a movie they recently watched called "Gods Not Dead". Mark, Dan and Lucy discuss with Bobby the virtues of Christian based movies. This leads to a much deeper and longer discussion about the virtues of Religion in 2014 and where some of the stories come from within the bible and then it takes a turn for the serious. Mark decides to present a somewhat controversial view from a religious aspect in regards to some of the bigger stories of the year. This leads to very in depth talk about religious values and how religion should view certain things based off the general beliefs taught in church. Definitely a interesting thing to hear and very thought provoking.
(right click and SAVE AS for D/L)

episode_186_-_religious_outrage.mp3 |