Next DC Chymes joins the crew to discuss a story that was released regarding a drug manufacturer that used ever excuse in the book to not help a sick child attain a medicine they control that could save his life. But how did we as a society get to this point? Why is it okay to not be humane to other human's when dealing with life threatening injuries and sicknesses. DC brings up the big business that is drug manufacturing and how it affects many people just beyond those getting/not getting the medicines. A very eye opening discussion for anyone out there.
Finally, Mark goes on a rant about how gas prices are jumping up again and its probably the fault of the money player conservatives that are setting up for 2014 election primaries to get the juices flowing against the democrats and that BARACK OBAMA! MERICA! This amps up Matt who wants to discuss the president and how eventually he will be viewed down the road. The gentlemen go back and forth with interesting points of views regarding how people should feel about presidents during their lives.
All this plus Game On/Game Off and Overtime! Its time for the Q!
(right click and "save as')

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