EJ Carter is a beast. This man has taken the hip hop scene by storm and his song Propane has propelled him to Regional and National Success working with other hip hop legends and even remixing Propane with Lil Flip for good measure.
EJ joins Jonathan May and Mark Bland to discuss the going on's in the world and how we are viewing history right now.
First up the guys discuss EJ and his early influences as well as when he started writing and performing hip hop. This leads into a serious discussion about comic books and super heroes. All good and fun until the serious happens....
So 2 St. Louis Lawyers decided to take the law into their own hands and fend off a BLM protest walking past their house. They did this with a machine gun/assault rifle and wife visibly upset pointing a hand gun at people. The guys discuss the ramifications and all the thoughts surrounding BLM, the lawyers and even public opinions. Worth the listen alone.
Finally Mark hits EJ with the Hot Seat where they discuss how to handle and alien invasion of Earth and much much more!
Such a fun guest for the show and we look forward to hearing EJ on the show more in the future!