Mark, Dan and Bobby start off dicussing a little sports, but mostly a list of 10 stereotypes that people from Missouri apply to. Well this sends Mark and Dan off on their soapbox to discuss the stupidity of many hoosier Missouri people and their need to push that hoosier on others around them.
From there the shows really starts to pick up cause the guys are joined by World War 2 veteran and paratrooper James "Jim" Martin (pictured above). The 93 year old joins the guys to discuss what his beliefs on todays USA are, as well as his background in the military and what it was like during the second World War. Jim doesn't pull any punches and lets the guys know that this country has become "pussified" in his opinion and within a few years will become a weakling in the super powers worldwide. Jim also discusses how tough his wife was when pregnant and that is a story you just do not want to miss. An amazing interview for the ages awaits.
Finally, the guys touch on Rush Limbaugh and discuss how Glenn Beck has decided to let everyone know that Liberals were right about the Iraw War. But not before Dan Walsh, Iraq war veteran himself, defends the Iraq War and the soldiers that were over there/are over there against the change in opinion that Mr. Beck has presented. Does Dan present a strong anough case to make you think it was good/bad? Find out by checking out this episode of The Q!
Plus....Overtime, Casey Kasem and a little Game On/Game Off!
(right click and "Save As" to D/L)

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