First up, Donald Trump has been hit with multiple issues during these trials and everyone finally thought the GAG orders would be the final straw. Except it wasn't and they offered him a 10th gag order and threat of arrest. 9 others weren't good enough? This is wild! Jenna, Mark and Jason Kull sit down and try to wrap their head around all this letting "trump get away with shit they woudn't let others." Plus Biden is relaxing cannabis rules and the schedule for it to be on the narcotics list. It is being reschedueled to a level 3 substance. This is going to usher in the ability to possibly see it become nationally recreational.
Next up is a great 600th episode Tournament of Pop culture. We come on the show weekly and talk about turd human beings all the time. But what if the most immature battled each other for supremacy...who is the bigger more annoying immature loser as an adult: Logan Paul or Trump? Well we discuss this to get down to our eventualy champion! Tune in and play along.
Finally, Somethings are normal for people to do daily, other things are a little weird and offputting. We finish this great show off with some listener submitted questions. People want to know if the things their Significant other does were normal in other peoples lives and world. They break down the issues and let everyone know if they are normal or weird ass people.