Jason Kull and Mark Bland welcome Tom Terbrock to the QNow for some much needed discussion and a run through some of the greatest metal music of all time. Tom spent many days working at a other political radio stations with his cohort Dave Glover producing one of the best radio shows in St. Louis Broadcast history. And Tom is not a fan of discussing the politics anymore. Find out why it bothers him so much!
Next up Tom brings up Prowrestling and the fact that Mark just had a match last month against Shaft for the commissionership. Mark has to explan to Tom how he was screwed over by the management of MMWA and cheated out of his rightful win! This brings up other wrestling and then eventually gets back to radio and learning how you know you are doing well or became popular in broadcasting. Tom tells a story Mark knows all too well and the two disucss their less than stellar past issues with hate in the industry.
Finally Mark, Jay and Tom take a crack at the Tournament of Pop Culture: Best Metal Albums of all time. Yes Iron Maiden was in the tournament. Mark, a bit frightened byt the potential reaction, put together a lit of the best metal albums of all time. Some taken from the RollingStone list of albums, some personally thrown in there...but reagrdless, a TOPC that is designed for the guest. Did Mark do good? Is your metal album on the list? Did the album you thougth would win, actually win...We find out on this episode of the show.