First up, there was a school shooting in the St. Louis Area this past week and the gunman left a manifesto. But within that manifesto was something interesting that seems to be a theme popping up. Mark, Jason and Drew discuss the shooting as well as this theme and new way to attack the national issue going forward.
Next up, Biden is pushing to get rid of bad banking, credit and loan fees. Airline pork fat fee's and things of that nature. But this is a problem that Barack Obama already tackled in 2009...so why is it back on the table in 2022...well conservatives ruined the world for 4 years and now we are here...the guys discuss.
Finally it is the Halloween Spooktacular and with that, it's time for one more tournament of pop culture before the season ends. Are you into movies. What about Halloween/Horror movies? Well then we have the competition for you....we are doing the Best Horror Movie of All Time...so did your movie make the list? Did your movie go deep? All this and much more on this amazing show sponsored by John Beal Roofing.