First up, Mark welcomes Matt & Matt from Baconfest to come in and discuss, with their partner Chef John Johnson, the formulation of this young event. This leads through a weird world of BRORGIES™, kickball leagues and reacreations of epic mealtime stunts that lead to BACONFEST. Plus Chef Johnson brings in the amazing HOG LOG (bacon, Sweet Baby Rays BBQ wrapped in Sausage and re-wrapped in more BACON....YUM!). This sweet meat of the gods is delicious and will be one of the centerpieces for the upcoming event in STL!
The guys then switch gears. Lucy goes on a verbal tirade that lasts throughout the show. Constantly pushing the FCC boundaries with her dirty foul mouth. Also we discuss about the general that was killed with others in Iraq. We also talk about food shows and which ones are worth their weight in gold and which ones suck according to Chef Johnson.
Finally I need to get to some letters from the listeners and I'm super excited to have the double Matt's on to discuss. And per the request of Matt #2, we touched on the story of a high school teacher that showed up the first day a little intoxicated. This leads to a rant by Mark discussing the time period for school to start and stop in the US cause he feels it starts entirely to early. They all discuss their growing up respectively and when they started school.
And don't forget, OVERTIME is attached to this bad boy! It's the Q!.

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