First up Anthony nolen sits down to give some background on the St. Andrews Cinema located in St. Charles, a western suburb of St. Louis, MO. The theater is well known for being "The Dollar Show" along with a couple other classic cinema's no longer in the area. Anthony and his partners are revitalizing the old building and bringing new nostalgia for the 2020's!
This leads into the Tournament of Pop Culture: Best Teen Movie (bracket #1). Mark and Jason are once again doing a huge multi-week bracket for teen movies and this episode is ground zero for the first section: Best High School Drama. These are all movies where High school is a setting and there is shenanigans going on all over the place. Did your movie make the cut? Is it in another section of the bracket...well don't fret we have three more weeks of movies before we get to the finale.
Finally Mark and Jason bid farwell to their new friend of the show and dig into some happenings around the country and some poltiics. First a man is choked out and killed on a NY subway and the gents break down whether the man should get manslaughter or murder for killing the homeless man. Also it seems that Desantis and Elon just keep doing horrible things to keep their name going, but the minute they stop,everyone will ignore them. All this and much more on this episode of The Qnow!