But the Q couldn't have this discussion without having someone of credible backing. And with that being said, the Polar Vortex Dan Walsh made his return after a month or two off to discuss being over in that part of the world and how ISIS should be viewed and what he thinks should be done.
And finally, after missing it on the last show, Mark decides to bring up the fact that Missouri has been ranked as one of the worst states to live in. Making the top 5, Mark, Lucy Mendez and Producer Bobby discuss why they think the state made the list this high. Specifically based off the attitude and actions of people in the St. Louis area as a whole. Then everyone breaksdown the 127 yr old lady from Meixco who is the oldest living person on earth. Amazing the things she has seen and lived through. The Q crew waxes the possible things.
All this and much more available on this episode of the award nominated radio show out of St. Louis MO.....The Q!
(right click and SAVE AS for D/L)

episode_184_-_isis_isis_baby.mp3 |